• 姓名: 郝威
  • 职称: 教授
  • 学位: 博士
  • 长沙理工大学
  • 交通运输工程学院

·  名:郝

·  称:教

·  位:博

·  所在机构:长沙理工大学 交通运输工程学

·  研究方向:交通规划;车路协同下的交通安全;车联网环境下的路网优





在美国拥有多年科研机构工作经验,2018 年秋季正式加入交通学院工作。


担任行业内著名期刊Transportation Research Part B, Transportation Research Part C, Transportation Research Part F, IEEE Transactions on ITS, Journal of ITS, Journal of ASCE, Accident Analysis and Prevention 和Journal of Safety Research 等期刊的评审专家。 





[1] W. Hao, L. Liu, Y. F. Li, and Y. –J Byon, “Reducing CACC platoon disturbances caused by state jitters by combining two stages driving state recognition with multiple platoons’ strategies and risk prediction,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp. 1-11, Dec. 2020.

[2] W. Hao, Z. L. Zhang, Z. B. Gao, K. F. Yi, L. Liu, and J. Wang, “Research on mandatory lane-changing behavior in highway weaving sections,” Journal of Advanced Transportation, vol. 2020, pp. 1-9, Jul. 2020.

[3] Hao, W.* et al., 2016. Driver Injury Severity Study for Truck Involved Accidents at Highway-rail Grade Crossings in the United States. Transportation Research Part F, 43, 379-386.

[4] Hao,W.*, Kamga, C. and Daniel, J., 2015. Driver’s Injury Severity at U.S. Highway-Rail Grade Crossings by Driver’s Age and Gender. Journal of Safety Research, 55,105-113.

[5] Hao,W.* and Daniel, J., 2014. Driver’s Injury Severity at U.S. Highway-Rail Grade Crossings by Varied Control Devices. Journal of Safety Research, 1225, pp 41-48.